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Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Now , i'm here to officially announce that ;
Joey & Jun Long's line brk alrd ! } No offence uh ! Lol .
I've gt nothing to post -.- saw joey at carpark .
Fara though she lost her moto ! muahah :X
Okay , byeee !

Posted by ; Shawtie , Raaraa (:

♥ Ended at ; 3:24 AM

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Elllooooo !
Tmr uh , no lesson ! but dun bring small bag .
Ltr VP or P come in uh , sure kena .
So better still , like wht syah say ; Bring Lagage . LOL !
hehe . So youuuuu guys tmr weyyyyyyyyyyyyy !
Love you guys :D
1T8 All e wayyyy !
Posted by ; sandra ANG

♥ Ended at ; 10:27 PM

Friday, August 28, 2009
hello !! Wani here.
tis is the blog song.. the lyricz.. (:
Enjoy !~
I wanna know where you belong,
I wanna know why I sing this song.
I try to show how much I feel,
Is that a dream or is it real?
I never look where you belong,
Until I’m gonna sing my song.
Is it a lie or is it true?
So many tears I’ve cried for you
Oh oh oh oh, a million tears for you…
Oh oh oh oh, a million tears for you…
Oh oh oh oh, a million tears for you…
Oh oh oh oh, a million tears for you…
A million tears that I have cried
I wish you were right by my side.
I try to show how much I care
Believe in me I will be there.
I never knew where you belong,
Whenever you just hear my song.
Is it a lie or is it true?
So many tears I’ve cried for you
Oh oh oh oh, a million tears for you…
Oh oh oh oh, a million tears for you…

♥ Ended at ; 11:02 PM

Monday, August 24, 2009
Stay back tmrrrr weyyyyy ! :D
Byeeee :D !
Posted by ; sandra ANG

♥ Ended at ; 4:40 AM

Friday, August 21, 2009
Here's an updateeeee :DDDDDDDDD
This coming monday ( 24 augst ) , those who wants
To design our class tee , please stay back (:
oh ya , don't fight over th colours and things .
Because of one small thing wanna make a big fuss .
Co-opperate okaes (: See you guys soon !

Posted by : sandra ANG :D

♥ Ended at ; 3:49 AM

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Emy's here. :D
Nice blogskin. By the way, cant wait to have our class t-shirt. ._.

♥ Emy.

♥ Ended at ; 7:21 AM

Helloooo Babes & Guys :]
Raaraa is here to post weyyy :D !
Wani , why bad mood ?
Share your feelings with me & friends tmr (: !
Well , next monday , those who participat } dunnoe how to spell
to design th class Tee , Please stay back for awhile to discuss (:
i miss school leyyy ! Stayin at home ishhh bored !
Miss you guys toos . hoho .
See you guys soon ! (L)

Posted by : sandra ANG :D

♥ Ended at ; 5:05 AM

Welcome to 1-Tee-8 blog :)
Our blog , our problem .
Your blog your problem kae .
No ripping or spamming .
Enjoy you stay here :B
Hate us , Scram off ! :D

No rippings
No spammings

About us :D
We're from Christ church sec .
Class : 1-Tee-Eight'o9 :)
40 of us & one and only mdm sanismah :D
Our motto: 1-Tee-8 all é waaaaaay.

Crazy us ;
Cindy ,
Feline ,
Joey ,
Fara ,
Wani ,
Emy ,
Sandra ,
Sarah ,
Frina ,
Khatijah ,
Zafirah ,
Chloe ,
Alim ,
Aloysius ,
Amarool ,
Brandon Tan ,
Brendan Soh ,
Charles ,
Ken ,
Brian ,
Danny ,
Pin zhen ,
Jasper ,
Jeremy ,
Joendy ,
Kenneth ,
Marcus ,
Mark ,
Bazil ,
Daniel ,
Hidey ,
Royhan ,
Syaffudin ,
Nermalan ,
Nicholas ,
Roy ,
Kumar ,
Jun long ,
Willie ,
Yu peng .


Annoucements :
No annoucement yet
Takecares Pretty & Handsome :D

Brendan Soh

Other Classes :

Our days
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009